Friday, June 11, 2010

Toodee Transformation

Lucia's favorite shirt is her Toodee shirt.
Whenever she picks out her clothes & this shirt is in the drawer, guaranteed it's the one she chooses. Throughout the Spring the Toodee shirt kept getting shorter & shorter on her, to the point where it was starting to look a little silly.
So I decided to transform the shirt into something she can always have.
Front of shirt.
Back of shirt.
The Toodee shirt transformed into a pillow.
Front of pillow.
Back of pillow.
It took me about half a nap time to complete.
Looking at the finished product I maybe should have rounded the corners instead of squaring them. Oh well.
I surprised Lucia & gave it to her when I went to get her up from her nap.

I am so happy she likes it so much. She's been bebopin' around with it since she got it.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Krinkle Krinkle Wooby

A Krinkle Krinkle Wooby.
Red fleece with different black, red & white patterned ribbons. The ribbons vary slightly in widths & texture. Cellophane is sewed inside for that krinkle babies love.
All my friends with babies or that are expecting, watch out . . . a krinkle krinkle wooby just might be headed your way . . . if I can pull them away from Emilio that is!

The Saddle

My first major project. A ring sling, or as we like to call it, the saddle, at our house. I got the directions online. It was really not too difficult for this newbie. The hardest thing was to sew the two very long (2.5yard) hems. It took me 2 days worth of nap times to complete.
Originally the tail was pretty long. Too long for my liking. I ended up cutting it shorter and rehemming. it's much less bulky without the long tail.
With the tail scraps I made a quick little drawstring storage bag for it.
Emilio enjoying the saddle at the spray park. He's in the kangaroo position.
The saddle is not as comfortable as my moby, but it works great for quick trips to the store & it is a more compact the take along in the diaper bag.
The storage bag.
(notice the yellow tag on the right, that's the so annie banannie trademark!)